A one of a kind tool to assess the personal values of teens

The Values Arrangement List for Teens at a Glance
- Measures 15 operational and 15 life values
- Very simple exercise consisting of ranking 72 sets of 3 values
- Raking consistency and rank scores to assess and analyze the resulting lists of values
- Online assessment only
- Free support materials, guides and technical manuals
- 20 minutes to complete
- Certification Level: A
The Values Arrangement for Teens List Measures
- Life Values:
Achievement, Adventure, Easy Life, Family, Faith, Friendship, Health, Independence, Love, Peace, Power, Self−Worth, Service, Wealth, Wisdom - Daily Values:
Athletics, Beauty, Creativity, Competence, Cooperation, Courage, Drive, Forgiveness, Honesty, Humor, Intelligence, Love, Popularity, Self−Reliance, Tolerance
The Values Arrangement List for Teens Application Settings
- Career, education, and life planning
- Improved decision making and judgement
- Personal development
- Conflict resolution
- Gaining self-knowledge
The Values Arrangement List for Teens (VAL-Teen) is a one of kind assessment designed to measure and define the values that are most important to an individual. The VAL-Teen is a powerful coaching and development tool that provides a means to measure and define the values an individual finds important and can be used to foster self-understanding as well as in defining and refining career and life plans.
Who should take the Values Arrangement List for Teens?
7th through 12th grade students/teenagers
Who administers the Values Arrangement List for Teens?
Counselors, teachers, social workers, therapists and achievement testing tutors
How much does the Values Arrangement List for Teens cost?
Prices charged depend on how and by whom it is purchased. Purchased individually, the survey, report and guidebook are $19.95. When purchased by administrators for use with their clients the cost is determined by the number of administration credits purchased. The more ordered, the lower the cost. Learn more >>

The Values Arrangement List for Teens Report Includes
- 1 page easy to interpret report
- Easy to interpret language and suggestions
- Rank and Consistency scores
- Sample Report >>
Development of the Values Arrangement List for Teens
The VAL-Teen has a long and rich history spanning five decades of research and practice. During 1960s the Rev. Dr. Edward S. Golden played an integral role pioneering and popularizing the use and research/development of other global recognized values assessments. Golden tasked David Saunders with developing the advanced scoring process needed to make the theory of values formulated by values researcher and theorist Milton Rokeach, Ph.D., reliable and useful. Building upon that base, John Patrick Golden, EdD. carried the vision forward.