• Can you really assess a person's values?

    Not only can you assess values, it's one of the most important aspects of human behavior to assess. Most people have taken personality, IQ or interest assessments, but virtually no one has ever taken a values assessment. Personality tells you what you are, IQ tells you how well you deal with complexity and interests tell you about what you enjoy doing. None of them tell you what really motivates you. When you assess values you're identifying what beliefs matter most. The VAL presents a unique picture of what behaviors and life goals are most important. Knowing that helps people make better decisions and choices, and helps them stay calm, cool and collected in the most difficult situations. There's no other tool on the market that achieves what the VAL does!

  • Can I use both the VAL and the Golden Personality Profiler with the same client?

    Absolutely! The VAL and the Golden are peanut butter and jelly of the assessment world. Personality tells you who you are and your values tell you why you do the things things you do. For example, you can have two people who have the same Golden type profile and similar facet scale pattern, but have very different value priorities. Similar behavior approach, but different motivations and purpose. Together they present a more complete picture of who a person is and what direction they are headed in!

    With the launch of v5.1 administrators have the choice of selecting one of two reports version, either the Talent Management report or the Self Development report.

  • Do you need to take a certification course to administer the VAL?

    No, the VAL is an A-Level assessment, meaning you don't have to take a course to be qualified to purchase and administer the VAL. Golden LLC is developing more resources, but we recommend that administrators start by reading the VAL Technical Manual, Understanding Personal Values guide book, take the VAL themselves and administer the VAL to a family member, friend or colleague before they use it with their clients.

  • I need a report to inform leadership about who completed the VAL assessment for an upcoming training program. How do I develop reports that I can share with others.

    Yes, there is a quick way to generate a report to share completion records with your associates.

    1) Log into your account with your ID/Password code combination.

    2) At the dashboard, select Account/Data Retrieval, then select VAL/Comma Delimited and the desired date range.

    Select the desired data elements, such as Assessee Full Name, Assessee Email Address, Completion Date & Column Titles. Then Submit

    3) Copy andPaste the resulting information directly into a spreadsheet document. Follow the online instructions, however directly copying into Numbers or Excel achieve the desired results without the step of creating a text doc first.