A powerful tool for teens getting to know themselves

The Golden Student Profiler at a Glance
- Measures personality type
- 4 global scales / 16 personality types
- Insights on developing self-knowledge
- 100 questions / scored items
- Advanced question/item format
- Online admin only
- 25 minutes to complete
- Ages 11-15
- Free support materials, guides, and technical manuals
- Certification Level: A
The Golden Student Profiler's 4 Global Scales
- Energy - Extraverting vs Introverting
- Information - Sensing vs iNtuiting
- Deciding - Thinking vs Feeling
- Controlling - organiZing vs Adapting
The Golden Student Profiler Application Settings
- Gaining Self-knowledge
- Understanding others
- Learning styles
The Golden Student Profiler is a powerful approach to understanding personality. The Student Profiler breaks new ground in the assessment of personality types for 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th graders. The assessment is based on several philosophical and psychological theories shaped over the past 2500 years, but primarily uses the theoretical framework provided by Carl Jung in his book Psychological Types.
Who should take the Golden Student Profiler?
7th through 10th graders
Who administers the Golden Student Profiler?
School Counselors, Teachers, Achievement Testing Tutors, Social Workers & Therapists
How much does the Golden Student Profiler cost?
Prices charged depend on how and by whom it is purchased. Purchased individually, the survey, report and guidebook are $19.95. When purchased by administrators for use with their clients the cost is determined by the number of administration credits purchased. The more ordered, the lower the cost. Learn more >>
The Golden Student Profiler Report Includes
- 9 easy to interpret pages
- Bar graph Scores
- Personality Portrait
- Relating to family and friends
- Typical hobbies and leisure activities
- Achievement needs
- Summary page for administrator and teacher
- Frequently asked questions and answers
- Sample Report >>

Development of the Golden Personality Profiler
The Golden Student Profiler has a long and rich history spanning two generations of psychologists. 1960s the Rev. Dr. Edward S. Golden played an integral role pioneering and popularizing the use and research/development of other global recognized personality assessments and later funded and supported validation research. Building upon that base and following in his father's footsteps, Dr. John Patrick Golden assumed leadership of the family business Golden LLC in 1995. The Golden Student Profiler was first developed in his graduate studies and is now a popular assessment in US educational settings.